1600 Military Time to Standard Time [1600 = 4:00 PM]

Military time 1600 means 4:00 PM in standard time and is pronounced as “sixteen hundred”.  Military time is represented as 4 digit number, in which, the first two represent the hour and the other two are for minutes. This time format is the best way to remove AM or PM confusion. In this guide, we will learn about the 1600 Military time converter and how to say it in standard or military format.

What does Military Time 1600 mean?

1600 Military Time equals to 4:00 PM

1600 (Sixteen Hundred hours) is represented as 4:00 PM in the regular time. To get this standard time, simply take the 1600 hours and subtract 1200 hours. Now, add a colon between the hours and minutes and mention AM or PM at the end. Put PM if Military hours are greater than 1200 (except 24 hours) or AM if it is equal to or less than 1200 hours.

Also Check: 1500 Military Time

How to Convert 1600 Military Time to EST?

Pro-tip for Military time chart conversion 1600 in regular or standard time which is similar to 1800 hours conversion. Just check the hours that are less or greater than 1200 hours. If the military hours are greater, subtract (1200) and add PM afterward. Here are some steps that you’ve to follow:

  • 1600-1200 = 400
  • Add “PM” after 400 and “:” after 4
  • Now, it will become 4:00 PM

Military Time 1600 Converter Chart

Here is a table chart by which you can easily get the exact conversion of 1600 Military time to EST.

Military Time ZoneStandard/Regular Time (AM/PM)
16004:00 PM
16054:05 PM
16104:10 PM
16154:15 PM
16204:20 PM
16254:25 PM
16304:30 PM
16354:35 PM
16404:40 PM
16454:45 PM
16504:50 PM
16554:55 PM
17005:00 PM

How to Pronounce Military Time 1600?

“Sixteen Hundred Hours” is the correct way to pronounce 1600 Army Time. The first two digits denote the hours and the other two digits represent minutes. So, just simply say “sixteen hundred hours” for military time 1600 without using any AM or PM at the end.

1600 Military Time vs 4:00 PM: What’s the Difference?

Below are some of the basic differences between Military 1600 time zone and 4:00 PM.

  • Military time 1600 is pronounced with “hours” at the end and 4:00 is pronounced with “PM” at the end.
  • Military time is written using abbreviations and spoken as a phonetic language.

Final Words: Military Time 1600

1600 Military time conversion to standard time is 4:00 PM. This time zone is just used to remove the AM or PM confusion and the conversion table will also help you to convert military into standard time zone easily. 

Also, keep in mind while speaking the military time, you must use “hours” at the end whether it is morning, afternoon, evening, or night. 

FAQ (Military Time 1600)

Below are some of the most asked questions regarding Military hours 1600.

What Time is 1600 Military Time?

Military time 1600 means 4:00 PM in the standard or regular time zone.

What Time is 4 in Military Time?

4 is written as “Military time 1600” which is spoken as sixteen hundred hours.

Is 1600 Army Time AM or PM?

Military time 1600 is written as 4:00 PM in the standard time zone.

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