1700 Military Time to 12-Hour Clock [1700 Hours = 5:00 PM]

Do you want to know what is 1700 Military time, well, it is represented as 5:00 PM in the regular time. In the Military format, it is pronounced as “seventeen hundred hours” and is mostly used in the military, government agencies, and other institutions to eliminate am or pm confusion. In this article, we will learn more about what Military time 1700 means.

What Time is 1700 Military Time?

1700 Military Time equal to 5:00 PM

1700 (Seventeen Hundred Hours) is commonly represented as 5:00 PM in the regular time. So, you can simply express Army time 1700 hours as 5:00 PM in the standard time. But for that, you must know how to convert, pronounce, and read military time while working where this time is used.

How to Convert 1700 Military Time to 12-Hour Standard Time?

Similar to 1500 Military time, converting Military time 1700 to the regular 12 hour clock time is very easy and quick. Just follow the instructions mentioned below:

  • First of all, determine that 17 is greater than or less than 12
  • As 17 is greater than 12 (subtract 17-12 = 5)
  • Now, just add “PM” for the correct time, i.e., 5:00PM

That’s how you can easily convert 1700 Military time to EST just by using this method.

Military Time 1700 Converter Chart

To make it easier for you, here we have come up with a detailed 1700 Military Time chart conversion chart. By this, you can easily find out the regular time.

Military Time12 Hour Clock (AM/PM)
17005:00 PM
17055:05 PM
17105:10 PM
17155:15 PM
17205:20 PM
17255:25 PM
17305:30 PM
17355:35 PM
17405:40 PM
17455:45 PM
17505:50 PM
17555:55 PM
18006:00 PM

How to Pronounce 1700 in Military Time?

The correct way to say “1700 hours” in Military time is “seventeen hundred”. For precise pronunciation, you have to start with the hours to say “seventeen” and then add minutes to seventeen and add “hundred” in the completion. That’s how you can clearly pronounce “seventeen hundred” in military time without using AM or PM in the end.

1700 Military Time vs 5:00 PM: What’s the Difference

There are some basic differences between 1700 hours and 5:00 PM, know here:

  • Military time is pronounced with “hours” at the end, such as “seventeen hundred hours” whereas standard time 5:00 is pronounced with PM at the end.
  • The Military time zones are written as abbreviations and pronounced in spoken language where as 5:00 PM time zone is mostly used in English speaking countries.
  • “Hours” are mentioned at the end of the military time whereas in 12 hour time zone morning and afternoon are differentiated by using AM or PM.

Final Words: 1700 Military Time 

In closing, Military time 1700 is just 5:00 PM in 12-hour standard time. This time zone is only used to express time more practically and standardized or eliminate the confusion of AM or PM. Once you know how to convert the military time, you can easily communicate with anyone who uses this system. 

Moreover, you can also use the time converter or other ways to covert Military and standard time more quickly and accurately. 

FAQ [1700 Military Time]

Below we have mentioned some most asked queries regarding 1700 hours:

What does Army Time 1700 mean?

It is 5:00 PM to convert Military time 1700 to normal. For this, just subtract 12, i.e., (17-12 = 5) and you’ll get the standard time easily.

What time is 5 in Military Time?

5 in regular time will be written as 1700 in Military time, which is “seventeen hundred hours”.

Is Military Time 1700 am or pm?

1700 Military Time is written as 5:00 PM in the standard time zone.

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